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Vitality running world cup – д МБО-н сурагчид нэгдлээ


ОУ-н гүйлтийн СТРАВА аппликейшнд МБО сургуулийн гүйлтийн клуб нэгдэж орлоо. Энэхүү аппликейшнд одоогоор Vitality running world cup challenge үргэлжилж байгаа бөгөөд манай сургуулийн багш Энх-Амарын санаачлагаар сурагчид маань оролцож байна. Гүйлтэд оролцсоноор хүүхдүүд маань 3 км гүйлт тутамдаа НҮБ - н хүүхдийн санд 1 вакцин хандивлах юм. Одоогийн байдлаар гүйлтэд 9Б, 7В, 8Б, 12А, 12Б ангийн хамт олон нэгдээд байгаа бөгөөд монгол улсынхаа рейтингийг 4-р байр хүртэл урагшлуулахад хувь нэмрээ оруулсаар байна. Дэлхий хэмжээний сайн дурын хүмүүнлэгийн үйлсэд өөрсдийн хувь нэмрээ оруулангаа үе тэнгийнхэндээ эрүүл амьдралын хэв маягийг уриалж байгаа нийт сурагчиддаа талархал илэрхийлье.

Vitality running world cup – д МБО-н сурагчид нэгдлээ2021-09-29T02:47:29+08:00

Бүрэн дунд боловсрол


In addition to the national curriculum, the Mongol Bilig Oyun international school, which is a school with a nationwide network, offers Cambridge Advanced (AS/A level) courses that allow students to choose their own subjects according to their interests and career aspirations. The Cambridge Advanced program not only provides students with a strong foundation in scientific principles and concepts, but also helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are highly valued by top universities around the world. Students who have completed the program with good grades are eligible to apply to top universities worldwide. Our school is committed to [...]

Бүрэн дунд боловсрол2023-04-14T13:29:00+08:00

Дунд боловсрол


At Mongol Bilig Oyun international school, the secondary education program combines a basic core curriculum with the highly regarded Cambridge international secondary education program. The program is designed to prepare students for success in grades 6-10, and includes the Cambridge Lower Secondary program (Checkpoint exam) for grades 6-8, and the Cambridge Upper Secondary program (IGCSE exam) for grades 9-10. The program provides a comprehensive and rigorous education that includes both national and international standards, and is designed to challenge and engage students in a variety of subjects. With a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the program aims [...]

Дунд боловсрол2023-04-14T13:27:29+08:00

Primary Education program


The school's primary education program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that combines the best of both national and international curricula. In addition to the national primary education program, the school also offers the highly regarded Cambridge International Primary Program. The Cambridge Primary Education program is known for its flexibility and adaptability, and is fully capable of identifying the individual differences of students and tailoring teaching methods and materials to their unique needs. The program places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning, with the goal of developing children's independence and problem-solving skills. The program is specifically designed [...]

Primary Education program2023-04-14T13:28:21+08:00
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